diff --git a/website/data/en/usergroups/usergroups.toml b/website/data/en/usergroups/usergroups.toml
index 7694a448d5..6318fa3218 100644
--- a/website/data/en/usergroups/usergroups.toml
+++ b/website/data/en/usergroups/usergroups.toml
@@ -1,511 +1,504 @@
 # The country codes are precise ISO3166 codes from https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search/code/
 id = "metabug"
 name = "The Global BSD User Groups"
 url = "http://metabug.org/"
 description = "The Global BSD User Groups organization was founded to help promote local BSD user groups by helping to share ideas and experiences with other BUG organizations. Our goals are:We are working on ways to provide remote participation through streaming video of presentations. You can check our <a href=\"http://metabug.org/\">website</a> or contact us via <a href=\"mailto:info@metabug\">e-mail</a>."
 id = "humbug"
 name = "Home Unix Users Group for Brisbane"
 url = "http://www.humbug.org.au/"
 countryCode = "AU"
 description = "We meet fortnightly at meeting rooms provided by the <a href=\"http://www.uq.edu.au/\">University of Queensland</a>. More information, including how to join the mailing lists, is available at <a href=\"http://www.humbug.org.au/\">http://www.humbug.org.au</a>. Located in Queensland."
 id = "buga"
 name = "BUGA, The BSD User Group of Adelaide"
 url = "mailto:majordomo@lemis.com"
 countryCode = "AU"
 description = "We meet at irregular intervals. Join the mailing list by sending a message to <a href=\"mailto:majordomo@lemis.com\">majordomo@lemis.com</a> with the text <code>subscribe BUGA</code> in the body. Located in South Australia."
 id = "bugs"
 name = "BSD Users Group, Sydney (BUGS)"
 url = "http://www.bugs.au.FreeBSD.org/"
 countryCode = "AU"
 description = "The BSD Users Group, Sydney (BUGS) meets occasionally in Sydney and surrounds. We have members from all over NSW. To join the mailing list or IRC channel, visit <a href=\"http://www.bugs.au.freebsd.org/\">http://www.bugs.au.freebsd.org/</a>. Located in New South Wales."
 id = "bsdwien"
 name = "Wiener BSD Stammtisch"
 url = "https://bsdstammtisch.at/"
 countryCode = "AT"
 description = "The Vienna BSD-Stammtisch is an English and German speaking BSD user group located in Austria's capital. We meet once a month to have a show and tell session, discuss and have a beer or two. The idea is to improve our skills and meet other BSD enthusiasts. Feel free to join!"
 id = "brmlab"
 name = "Prague BSD Group"
 url = "https://brmlab.cz/groups/start#prague_bsd_group"
 countryCode = "CZ"
 description = "A small BSD user group from Brmlab Prague/Czech Republic Hackerspace. We are a group of hobbyists, professionals, and enthusiasts."
 id = "bsd-dk"
 name = "BSD-DK"
 url = "http://www.bsd-dk.dk/"
 countryCode = "DK"
 description = "The Danish BSD User Group. Promotion and support of the BSD derived Operating Systems in Denmark. Mailing lists, lecture and workshops. Send mail subscription requests to <a href=\"mailto:bsd-dk-request@bsd-dk.dk\">bsd-dk-request@bsd-dk.dk</a>. Located in Denmark."
 id = "albabug"
 name = "AlbaBUG"
 url = "http://www.AlbaBSD.org"
 countryCode = "AL"
 description = "The Albanian BSD Users Group is a group that represents and supports *BSD in Albanian language. More information is available at <a href=\"http://www.AlbaBSD.org\">http://www.AlbaBSD.org</a>. Located in Prishtina, Kosova."
 id = "augusta"
 name = "Augusta"
 url = "http://www.augusta.de/"
 countryCode = "DE"
 description = "The BSD User Group of the Augsburger Computer Forum e.V. meets every second Saturday at 17.00. Please visit our <a href=\"http://www.augusta.de/\">web site</a> for more information on dates and our address. We have all kinds of BSD, but mainly FreeBSD and Mac OS X. Located in Germany, Augsburg."
 id = "bsdhh"
 name = "BSD User Group Hamburg (BSDHH)"
 url = "http://www.bsdhh.org/bsdhh-de-index.html"
 countryCode = "DE"
 description = "The BSD User Group Hamburg (BSDHH) meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.00pm in the restaurant <em>Léon</em> (Koppel 1, 20099 Hamburg). Most members are FreeBSD users, although users of all BSD flavors are welcome. Located in Germany, Hamburg."
 id = "bsdnrw"
 name = "BSD User Group Düsseldorf/NRW (BSD.NRW)"
 url = "https://bsd.nrw/"
 countryCode = "DE"
 description = "BSD.NRW is located in Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany. We are open for all people in the Rhein-Ruhr area that are interested in the BSD family. We have bi-monthly meetings (always on the second Tuesday of these months). Upcoming dates and additional information can be found on the <a href=\"https://bsd.nrw\">BSD.NRW website</a>."
 id = "happabsd"
 name = "HappaBSD Regensburg"
 url = "http://www.HappaBSD.de/"
 countryCode = "DE"
 description = "HappaBSD is a regulars' table taking place every month in Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany. For more information see the <a href=\"http://www.HappaBSD.de/\">HappaBSD website</a>."
 id = "uugrn"
 name = "Unix Users Group Rhein-Neckar e.V. (UUGRN e.V.)"
 url = "https://www.uugrn.org/"
 countryCode = "DE"
 description = "The Unix Users Group Rhein-Neckar e.V. (UUGRN e.V.) provides a regional forum for users of all Unix flavors, with a stress on Linux and BSD. <a href=\"https://stammtisch.uugrn.org/\">Meetings (UnixUserStammtisch)</a> are held on the third Monday of each month. The <a href=\"https://fixme.uugrn.org/\">Hands-on FIXME meeting</a> happens every first Friday of each month. Located in Germany, <a href=\"https://rhein-neckar-wiki.de/\">Rhine-Neckar-Region</a> , Heidelberg. All events get announced on Twitter <a href=\"https://twitter.com/uugrn\">@uugrn</a>."
 id = "bim"
 name = "Berkeley in Munich (BIM)"
 url = "http://berklix.org/bim/"
 countryCode = "DE"
 description = "The Berkeley in Munich (BIM) caters for users of BSD based systems in Oberbayern. Located in Germany, Munich."
 id = "u-bus"
 name = "Ulmer BSD User Stammtisch"
 url = "http://www.u-bus.de"
 countryCode = "DE"
 description = "The U-BUS meets every last Thursday of the month. For more information about meetings and related issues, please check the web page (<a href=\"http://www.u-bus.de\">u-bus</a>). Located in Germany, Ulm."
 id = "bluefrogs"
 name = "Bluefrogs e.V."
 url = "http://www.bluefrogs.de/"
 countryCode = "DE"
 description = "Unix and Linux User Group in Bergisch Gladbach (near Cologne), German. Meetings are held twice a month. We are working with all Open Source Unix derivates: FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Linux and others. We give workshops, lectures, talks and install parties. For more information please email us at: <a href=\"mailto:info@bluefrogs.de\">info@bluefrogs.de</a>"
 id = "bse"
 name = "BSE München"
 url = "http://bse.42.org/"
 countryCode = "DE"
 description = "BSE (BSD Social Event) is located in München (Munich), Germany. Feel free to visit our regular meetings (every four weeks) or join the mailing list. For more information visit the <a href=\"http://bse.42.org/\">BSE web site</a>."
 id = "fug-fr"
 name = "FUG-FR"
 url = "http://www.fug-fr.org/"
 countryCode = "FR"
 description = "The FreeBSD User Group France (FUG-FR) is an group of FreeBSD enthusiasts in France currently involved translating marketing papers etc. They are also active in helping out FOSDEM (held in Brussels). For more information please visit our web page <a href=\"http://www.fug-fr.org/\">http://www.fug-fr.org</a> or contact <a href=\"mailto:rodrigo@bebik.net\">Rodrigo Osorio</a>."
 id = "dublinbug"
 name = "Dublin BSD User Group"
 url = "https://www.meetup.com/Dublin-BSD-User-Group/"
 countryCode = "IE"
 description = "The Dublin BSD User Group is a collective of individuals who are interested in the application of BSDs in production scenarios. We are interested in how the BSDs can help both sysadmins and application developers deploy and manage robust solutions as well as looking at some of the unique features of the BSDs. For more information please visit our <a href=\"https://www.meetup.com/Dublin-BSD-User-Group/\">website</a>."
 id = "lissyara"
 name = "Lissyara.su"
 url = "http://www.lissyara.su"
 countryCode = "RU"
 description = "We are a russian FreeBSD community. On our site we offer several articles for setting up FreeBSD and various other applications. In addtition to the articles we also provide a <a href=\"http://forum.lissyara.su/\">user forum</a> where experienced users of FreeBSD are pleased to be able to help other users."
 id = "rfug"
 name = "Russian FreeBSD User Group (RFUG)"
 url = "http://bsdportal.ru"
 countryCode = "RU"
 description = "The Russian FreeBSD User Group (RFUG) is a Russian language oriented user group for the Russian and ex-USSR users. Located in Russia."
 id = "ulbsd"
 name = "Ulyanovsk FreeBSD Users Group"
 url = "http://www.ulbsd.ru/"
 countryCode = "RU"
 description = "The Ulyanovsk FreeBSD Users Group (ULBSD) is for Russian users of ULBSD operating system that is based on FreeBSD. We provide free and paid versions of our operating system. We also answer many questions of users for free and help them work in the FreeBSD and ULBSD. For more information send an email to <a href=\"mailto:info@ulbsd.ru\">info@ulbsd.ru</a> or visit the website at <a href=\"http://www.ulbsd.ru/\">http://www.ulbsd.ru/</a>. Located in Ulyanovsk, Russia."
 id = "gufi"
 name = "Gruppo Utenti FreeBSD Italia (GUFI)"
 url = "http://www.gufi.org/"
 countryCode = "IT"
 description = "The Gruppo Utenti FreeBSD Italia (GUFI) is a \"italian powered\" FreeBSD User Group. It is intended to help Italian FreeBSD users to find support and articles on/about FreeBSD in the italian language. Please follow this <a href=\"http://www.gufi.org/\">link</a> to know more about us. Located in Italia."
 id = "bug-lv"
 name = "BSD User Group Latvia"
 url = "http://www.bug.lv"
 countryCode = "LV"
 description = "To learn more about the BSD User Group Latvia, please visit our <a href=\"http://www.bug.lv/\">site</a> and our <a href=\"http://www.bug.lv/\">forums</a>. Located in Latvia."
 id = "nobug"
 name = "The Norwegian BSD User Group (NOBUG)"
 url = "http://www.nobug.no/"
 countryCode = "NO"
 description = "The Norwegian BSD User Group (NOBUG) is a User Group for BSD users and enthusiasts in Norway. Meetings are currently held in Oslo and Bergen. Visit our website for more information. There is also a Unix User Group (<a href=\"http://www.nuug.no/\">NUUG</a>) with more regular meetings, sometimes even with a BSD subject. Located in Norway."
 id = "Warsaw"
 name = "Polish BSD User Group"
 url = "https://bsd-pl.org/"
 countryCode = "PL"
 description = "Our group was created to promote systems from the BSD family in Poland. We organize meetings that bring together lovers of Unix systems. Located in Warsaw."
 id = "Subcarpathian"
 name = "SBUG"
 url = "https://www.sbug.org/"
 countryCode = "PL"
 description = "SBUG is a *BSD user group based in Rzeszow and targeting the Podkarpackie Voivodeship."
 id = "ptbsd"
 name = "The Portuguese *BSD Users Group"
 url = "mailto:ptbsd@yahoo.com"
 countryCode = "PT"
 description = "The Portuguese *BSD Users Group is a User Group for Portuguese users of BSD operating systems. Contact Rui Pereira <a href=\"mailto:ptbsd@yahoo.com\">ptbsd@yahoo.com</a> for more information. Located in Portugal, Amadora."
 id = "bsdug"
 name = "BSD User Group Slovenia"
 url = "https://bsd.si/"
 countryCode = "SI"
 description = "BSD User Group Slovenia connects BSD system users in Slovenia. Group members also gather on the ##bsd.si IRC channel on Libera Chat. Located in Ljubljana, Slovenia."
 id = "bsdhu"
 name = "The Hungarian BSD Group"
 url = "http://www.bsd.hu/"
 countryCode = "HU"
 description = "The Hungarian BSD Group is a group of NetBSD, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD users located in Hungary. Their meetings occur on the second Friday of the month. The website of the group is <a href=\"http://www.bsd.hu/\">http://www.bsd.hu/</a>."
 id = "bus"
 name = "BSD Users Sweden (BUS)"
 url = "https://lists.stacken.kth.se/mailman/listinfo/bus"
 countryCode = "SE"
 description = "The BSD Users Sweden (BUS) maintains a mailing list. To join send an email to <a href=\"mailto:majordomo@stacken.kth.se\">majordomo@stacken.kth.se</a> with <code>subscribe bus</code> in the body. Located in Sweden."
 id = "bsdgroups"
 name = "Manchester BSD Users Group"
 url = "http://www.bsdgroups.org.uk/manchester"
 countryCode = "GB"
 description = "The Manchester BSD Users Group meets reasonably often in the Lass O'Gowrie, on Charles Street, Manchester. Contact <a href=\"mailto:sams@bsdgroups.org.uk\">Sam Smith</a> for more information. Located in The United Kingdom, Manchester."
 id = "ukug"
 name = "FreeBSD UK Users group (FreeBSD UKUG)"
 url = "http://mailman.uk.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/ukfreebsd"
 countryCode = "GB"
 description = "The FreeBSD UKUG (FreeBSD UK User's Group) exists for the benefit of FreeBSD users in the United Kingdom. Please follow the link for more information. Located in the United Kingdom."
 id = "bsdbelfast"
 name = "The BSD in Belfast Group"
 url = "https://twitter.com/bsdbelfast"
 countryCode = "GB"
 description = "Meet the BSD Belfast Group the third Friday of the month. We are a group of academic and industrial BSD users and admirers."
 id = "bugor"
 name = "BSD User Group Oak Ridge (BUGOR)"
 url = "http://sites.google.com/site/bugortn/Home"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "BUGOR is an open and free network of BSD users in the Oak Ridge TN area. Ideally, professional sysadmins, programmers and grizzled old hackers will meet each week to explore and debate the intricacies of the Unix design philosophy and the art of Unix programming while mentoring neophyte users and rehabilitating WIMP users."
 id = "buug"
 name = "The Berkeley Unix User Group"
 url = "http://www.buug.org"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "The Berkeley Unix User Group is a general Unix Users Group for anyone in the San Fransico Bay Area. We meet on a weekly basis in downtown Berkeley. Visit the web site or send a message to <a href=\"mailto:buug-request@weak.org\">buug-request@weak.org</a> with <code>subscribe</code> in the body. Located in Berkeley, CA."
 id = "cdbug"
 name = "The Capitals District *BSD Users Group"
 url = "http://lists.nycbug.org/mailman/listinfo/cdbug-talk"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "The Capitals District *BSD Users Group draws it's membership from New York's capital district and the surrounding communities. CDBUG was founded in December of 2004 and has a small but growing membership. We currently meet on the last Sunday of every month in the Albany area. Our mailing list is graciously being hosted by NYCBUG at: <a href=\"http://lists.nycbug.org/mailman/listinfo/cdbug-talk\">http://lists.nycbug.org/mailman/listinfo/cdbug-talk</a>. Located in Albany, NY."
 id = "charmbug"
 name = "Baltimore Area BSD Operating System User Group (CharmBUG)    "
 url = "https://www.meetup.com/CharmBUG"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "CharmBUG is a Baltimore Area BSD Operating System User Group, where the focus is on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD and DragonFly BSD, including system administration and security across all UNIX like operating systems. Please contact <a href=\"mailto:shirkdog@gmail.com\">shirkdog@gmail.com</a> for details."
 id = "chibug"
 name = "Chicago Area BSD Users Group"
 url = "http://chibug.org"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "ChiBUG is a new BSD user group in the Chicago area. We are interested in meeting with other individuals who use or are interested in any of the BSD variants. For more info or to join our mailing list, please visit <a href=\"http://chibug.org\">http://chibug.org</a>"
 id = "chifug"
 name = "The Users of Free Operating Systems (UFO Chicago)"
 url = "http://ufo.chicago.il.us"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "The Users of Free Operating Systems (UFO Chicago) is an open-source Unix User Group that meets twice a month in Chicago. For directions and mailing list information, please check our web site <a href=\"http://ufo.chicago.il.us\">http://ufo.chicago.il.us</a>. Chicago, IL."
 id = "cobug"
 name = "The Colorado BSD Users Group (CoBUG)"
 url = "http://cobug.org"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "Created in 2014, CoBUG is a completely open BSD community, established with the intention of spreading love for the BSDs. Located in Colorado."
 id = "knoxbug"
 name = "KnoxBUG"
 url = "http://knoxbug.org"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "The Knoxville, Tennessee BSD User Group (KnoxBUG) meets once a month. For more information, please visit <a href=\"http://knoxbug.org\">http://knoxbug.org</a> and/or subscribe to our <a href=\"http://lists.nycbug.org/mailman/listinfo/knoxbug-talk\">mailing list</a>."
 id = "nmlug"
 name = "NMLUG"
 url = "mailto:majordomo@swcp.com"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "The NMLUG in Alburquerque meets once a month and supports both BSD and Linux users. To join the mailing list, send a message to <a href=\"mailto:majordomo@swcp.com\">majordomo@swcp.com</a> with <code>subscribe nmlug</code> in the body. Located in New Mexico."
 id = "nycbug"
 name = "New York City *BSD User Group (NYCBUG)"
 url = "http://www.nycbug.org"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "The New York City *BSD User Group (NYCBUG) meets the first Wednesday of the month. Mailing lists are available at <a href=\"http://lists.nycbug.org\">http://lists.nycbug.org</a>. Located in New York, NY."
 id = "sacblug"
 name = "The Sacramento BSD and Linux Users Group (SacBLUG)"
 url = "http://sacblug.org/"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "The Sacramento BSD and Linux Users Group (SacBLUG) is a collaborative effort amongst *BSD/Linux professionals in the Sacramento area, with a focus on enterprise and server environments. Our aim is to share our experiences in managing and maintaining systems while also providing a social network for members. Check out <a href=\"http://sacblug.org\">our website</a> for more information."
 id = "yfuug"
 name = "Yavapai Free Unix Users Group"
 url = "mailto:rcarter@consys.com"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "The Yavapai Free Unix Users Group is now forming for *BSD/Linux, etc., users in Northern Arizona. Please contact Russel Carter (<a href=\"mailto:rcarter@consys.com\">rcarter@consys.com</a>) for details. Located in Northern Arizona."
 id = "wplug"
 name = "Western Pennsylvania Linux Users Group (WPLUG)"
 url = "http://www.wplug.org"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "The Western Pennsylvania Linux Users Group (WPLUG) has a strong and growing community of BSD users that it supports. See our home page (<a href=\"http://www.wplug.org\">http://www.wplug.org</a>) for information on regular meetings and join the mailing lists. Located in Pennsylvania."
 id = "portland"
 name = "Portland (Oregon) FreeBSD Users Group"
 url = "mailto:pdx-freebsd@toybox.placo.com"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "The Portland (Oregon) FreeBSD Users Group meets on the third Thursday of each month. Mail <a href=\"mailto:pdx-freebsd@toybox.placo.com\">The Portland FreeBSD Users Group</a>. Located in Portland, OR."
 id = "rlug"
 name = "Reno Linux Users Group (RLUG)"
 url = "http://www.rlug.org"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "The Reno Linux Users Group (RLUG) meets monthly in Reno, Nevada and discusses the use of BSD and Linux. Visit <a href=\"http://www.rlug.org\">our website</a> for more information, where you may also join our mailing list. Located in Reno, NV."
 id = "seabug"
 name = "Seattle BSD Users Group (SeaBUG)"
 url = "http://www.seabug.org"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "The Seattle BSD Users Group (SeaBUG) meets occasionally. View our web site for more details and for information on how to join our mailing list. Located in Seattle, WA."
 id = "sdbug"
 name = "San Diego BSD Users Group"
 url = "http://www.sdbug.org"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "The San Diego BSD Users Group for users of FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD. The meeting is first Thursday of every month at Boll Weevil off Clairemont Mesa Blvd., near the intersection with Ruffin Road. More information can be found <a href=\"http://www.sdbug.org\">here</a>. Located in San Diego, CA."
 id = "tfug"
 name = "Tucson Free Unix Group (TFUG)"
 url = "http://www.tfug.org"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "Tucson Free Unix Group, Arizona. Located in Tucson, AZ."
 id = "su3g"
 name = "The Southern Utah Unix Users Group (SU3G)"
 url = "http://www.su3g.org"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "The Southern Utah Unix Users Group (SU <sup>3</sup> G, SU^3G, SU3G, or SUUUG) is for users of any version of Unix or Unix-like operating system, commercial or open source. So, whether you use FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS X, BSD/OS, Solaris, OpenBSD, or any other Unix or Unix-like OS, and if you live, work, or associate with someone who lives or works in southwestern Utah, then consider joining the SU <sup>3</sup> G. For more information send an email to <a href=\"mailto:kendall@su3g.org\">kendall@su3g.org</a> or visit the website at <a href=\"http://www.su3g.org/\">http://www.su3g.org/</a>."
 id = "capbug"
 name = "Capital Area BSD Users Group"
 url = "http://capbug.org"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "We meet on the last Tuesday of the month. Join our <a href=\"http://groups.google.com/group/capbug\">mailing list</a> or visit our web site <a href=\"http://www.capbug.org\">here</a>. We meet in Maryland, but welcome anyone from MD, DC or VA."
 id = "kcbug"
 name = "Kansas City Area *BSD User.s Group"
 url = "http://www.kcbug.org"
 countryCode = "US"
 description = "We are a beginning BSD User Group with currently two members. If you would like to join, please visit our web site <a href=\"http://www.kcbug.org/\">here</a>. Our goals are to have fun, help others to learn about and using *BSD and evangelize the BSD operating systems."
 id = "gtabug"
 name = "GTABUG"
 url = "http://www.gtabug.ca"
 countryCode = "CA"
 description = "The GTABUG User Group welcomes all BSD users. Monthly meetings give attendees a chance to share ideas, discussion and information. Installations and other events help preach the good news of BSD to the community. Come drop by for a meeting! Located in Greater Toronto Area, Ontario."
 id = "ottawa"
 name = "Ottawa-Carleton Unix Users Group"
 url = "http://www.ocbug.ca/"
 countryCode = "CA"
 description = "We are a small group of hobbyists, users, authors, sysadmins, and hackers that meet monthly to discuss the latest topics in a very informal setting. Check our <a href=\"http://mail.ocbug.ca/mailman/listinfo/ocbug_ocbug.ca\">mailing list</a> for the latest information. Located in Ottawa, Ontario."
 id = "orlando"
 name = "The Orlando BSD Users Group"
 url = "https://www.orlandobsd.org/"
 countryCode = "CA"
 description = "A small BSD user group from the greater Orlando area in central Florida. We are a group of computer hobbyists, I/T professionals, and Makerspace enthusiasts."
 id = "bsd-ve"
 name = "Grupo de Usuarios BSD de Venezuela"
 url = "http://groups.google.com/group/bsd-ve/about"
 countryCode = "VE"
 description = "The Grupo de Usuarios BSD de Venezuela is a forum for *BSD users in Venezuela. For more information please contact the group admin <a href=\"mailto:amijaresp@gmail.com\">Alberto Mijares</a>."
 id = "fugspbr"
 name = "The Brazilian FreeBSD User Group (FUG-BR)"
 url = "http://www.fug.com.br"
 countryCode = "BR"
 description = "The Brazilian FreeBSD User Group (FUG-BR) is a Portuguese language oriented User Group intended to help Brazilian FreeBSD users to find support and articles on and about FreeBSD in the Portuguese language. We keep some projects such as the \" <a href=\"http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/livecd\">FreeBSD LiveCD</a> \". Currently the group has over 800 members and our mailing list has an average traffic of 80 messages per day. To join FUG-BR mailing list, visit <a href=\"https://www.fug.com.br/mailman/listinfo/www\">https://www.fug.com.br/mailman/listinfo/www</a>."
 id = "bsdcl"
 name = "BSD Chile"
 url = "http://www.bsd.cl"
 countryCode = "CL"
 description = "The BSD Chile User Group (bsd.cl) maintains mirrors, documents, and mailing lists for the Chilean BSD community. The group also provides infrastructure for BSD events in Chile and can be reached on the IRC server irc.bsd.cl #BSD in addition to the <a href=\"http://www.bsd.cl\">www.bsd.cl</a> web site."
 id = "freebsdchina"
 name = "The FreeBSD China Community"
 url = "http://www.freebsdchina.org"
 countryCode = "CN"
 description = "The FreeBSD China Community was formed June 2002. We provide Web based support <a href=\"http://www.FreeBSDChina.org/forum/\">forum</a> and <a href=\"http://wiki.FreeBSDChina.org/\">wiki</a> on FreeBSD and other *BSD technologies."
 id = "kbug"
 name = "The Kansai *BSD Users Group (K*BUG)"
 url = "http://www.kbug.gr.jp"
 countryCode = "JP"
 description = "The Kansai *BSD Users Group was established on November 13, 1999. It is expected to promote communication of any of the BSD variants' users. Some of its activities are to hold friendly parties of the members, and to hold seminars covering wide variety of topics. Please e-mail here (<a href=\"mailto:kbug-admin@kbug.gr.jp\">kbug-admin@kbug.gr.jp</a>). Located in Kansai, Japan."
 id = "ebug"
 name = "The Echigo BSD Users Group (EBUG)"
 url = "http://www.ebug.jp"
 countryCode = "JP"
 description = "The Echigo BSD Users Group is the users group for BSD users around Echigo (aka Niigata). For more information on our events and mailing lists, please check the EBUG web site."
 id = "jfug"
 name = "The Jogja FreeBSD Users Group"
 url = "mailto:22961476@students.ukdw.ac.id"
 countryCode = "ID"
 description = "The Jogja FreeBSD Users Group is based in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. Send email to <a href=\"mailto:22961476@students.ukdw.ac.id\">22961476@students.ukdw.ac.id</a> for more information."
 id = "fiug"
 name = "FreeBSD Indonesia User Group"
 url = "http://www.belajarfreebsd.or.id"
 countryCode = "ID"
 description = "We are FreeBSD Indonesia User Group. We share, we learn all about the BSD system, and all about Open Source. For more information, visit <a href=\"http://www.belajarfreebsd.or.id \">http://www.belajarfreebsd.or.id</a>."
 id = "meetbsdir"
 name = "meetBSD Iran"
 url = "http://www.meetbsd.ir"
 countryCode = "IR"
 description = "meetbsd.ir is an Iranian BSD user group that provides conferences, iso, ebooks, and PKGs for BSD local users."
-id = "ibug"
-name = "The Israeli *BSD Users Group"
-url = "mailto:bsd-il@libagent.org"
-countryCode = "IL"
-description = "The Israeli *BSD Users Group has a mailing list for general discussion of *BSD operating systems for Israeli users, which includes topics such as setting up and working with Hebrew in BSD and setting up Internet connections with ISPs. The Israeli *BSD mailing list promotes the use of *BSD throughout the country, and acts as an information center for all *BSD users. Mailing list posts can be sent to <a href=\"mailto:bsd-il@libagent.org\">bsd-il@libagent.org</a>. Visit <a href=\"http://www.libagent.org/mailman/listinfo/bsd-il\">http://www.libagent.org/mailman/listinfo/bsd-il</a> to subscribe. Located in Israel."
 id = "mybsd-malaysia"
 name = "The MyBSD Malaysia Project"
 url = "http://www.mybsd.org.my"
 countryCode = "MY"
 description = "The MyBSD Malaysia Project is a Kuala Lumpur based User Group for BSD users and open-source in general, promoting and supporting FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD and open source usage. We meet once a month, usually at Universiti Malaya or Restaurant Bahadur Shah. One of our projects is to develop a <a href=\"http://staff.mybsd.org.my/skywizard/bsd-explorer\">Unix file manager</a>. Visit our web site or contact <a href=\"mailto:info@mybsd.org.my\">info@MyBSD.org.my</a> for more information."
 id = "ndbug"
 name = "New Delhi BSD User Group"
 url = "http://ndbug.in"
 countryCode = "IN"
 description = "The New Delhi BSD User Group (NDBUG) is a group of hobbyists, professionals, and enthusiasts. Our members share interests in BSD Unix and free implementations of Unix, as well as other open source software. NDBUG was founded to disseminate knowledge of BSD Unix, open source software, and related technologies and interests in India and New Delhi specifically."
 id = "bsdtw"
 name = "BSD Taiwan"
 url = "https://bsdtw.org/"
 countryCode = "TW"
 description = "BSD Taiwan is a BSD user group for Taiwanese BSD users, where we can share knowledge, ideas, and seek help. For more information please visit our <a href=\"https://bsdtw.org\">website</a>."
 id = "enderunix"
 name = "EnderUNIX (Turkish *BSD team)"
 url = "http://www.enderunix.org/?lng=en"
 countryCode = "TR"
 description = "EnderUNIX is a Turkish BSD user group that provides documentation, tips, mailing lists, and mirrors for BSD operating systems."
 id = "AMBUG"
 name = "Armenia BSD User Group"
 url = "https://ambug.org/"
 countryCode = "AM"
 description = "We're a community of BSD Hackers, Unix Sysadmins and Unix-like system users who gather once a month (online and offline) to discuss BSD Unix related topics."
diff --git a/website/data/en/vendors/isp.toml b/website/data/en/vendors/isp.toml
index cf4543949d..2015d21582 100644
--- a/website/data/en/vendors/isp.toml
+++ b/website/data/en/vendors/isp.toml
@@ -1,350 +1,344 @@
 # Sort the entries by name
 # $FreeBSD$
 id = "astute"
 name = "Astute Hosting Incorporated"
 url = "http://www.astutehosting.com"
 description = "Astute Hosting provides advanced high-availability semi-managed dedicated hosting with all the flexibility of co-location but at a better price point than most unmanaged dedicated solutions. FreeBSD is our OS of choice, and what we run on our own servers and workstations. Our bandwidth consists of 4 Tier 1's, and hundreds of peers across North America, Europe, and Asia."
 id = "filesanctuary"
 name = "File Sanctuary"
 url = "https://www.filesanctuary.net/"
 description = "File Sanctuary is a hosting provider in the UK offering Cloud Servers (VPS) powered by the Xen hypervisor. Cloud Servers are available in a variety of sizes and prices and are billed monthly, giving customers total control at an affordable price. Cloud Servers are deployed just a few minutes after an order is received. was added as a supported operating system starting in January 2016."
 id = "IFDNRG"
 name = "IFDNRG"
 url = "http://www.ifdnrg.com/"
 description = "IFDNRG are a UK based web and video hosting company with a wide range of expertise in web systems <a href=\"http://www.ifdnrg.com/ifdnrg/unix/\">built on FreeBSD</a>. We are focused on developing our network to promote high performance and highly scalable web services and have 10 years of experience in FreeBSD based solutions for web/email and video."
 id = "hivelocity"
 name = "Hivelocity"
 url = "https://www.hivelocity.net/"
 description = "Hivelocity provides dedicated servers, colocation, and cloud hosting. Hivelocity deploys bare-metal servers built to your exact specifications, virtual servers and both public and private cloud hosted solutions. The Hivelocity data center maintains compliance for HIPAA, PCI and an SSAE-16 certification. Colocated customers have 24/7 private and secure access to their locking cabinets within the Hivelocity facility. Hivelocity provides a wide range of bleeding edge solutions and software for thousands of businesses big and small."
 id = "hubdotorg"
 name = "Hub Hosting Services"
 url = "http://hub.org/"
 description = "Hub.Org has provided Open-Source Web Hosting services since 1997. Our solutions include <a href=\"http://hub.org/freebsd-vps-hosting\">FreeBSD VPS Hosting</a> and <a href=\"http://hub.org/self-managed-vps-hosting\">self-managed      VPS hosting</a> among many others. Hub has several cost-effective hosting plans to fit your business, whether it is a new site or several busy ones. Hub.Org has been actively involved in several leading, open-source projects (FreeBSD InterNet News (INN), WU-FTPd, OpenSSH), and providing hosting for open-source projects include PostgreSQL and Horde."
 id = "bpa"
 name = "Black Point GmbH"
 url = "https://www.blackpoint.de/"
 description = "We offer flexible solutions and serve our customers needs with compentent and fast support. Our services include website hosting, virtual Servers (VPS) and server homing (e.g. managed servers)/colocation for all kinds of companies. We are located in Germany."
-id = "digitalocean"
-name = "Digital Ocean"
-url = "https://www.digitalocean.com/"
-description = "Digital Ocean offers FreeBSD virtual private servers (Droplets) from ten data centers around the world. Droplets range in size and price, supporting hourly or monthly billing with snapshot functionality. All Droplets are created on SSD drives for ideal performance. FreeBSD support was added the first quarter of 2015."
 id = "lf"
 name = "LF.net Netzwerksysteme GmbH"
 url = "http://www.LF.net/"
 description = "LF.net Netzwerksysteme GmbH is an Internet Service Provider and specialist in network integration services and solutions. Founded in 1992, with an assembled team of 25 specialists, LF.net is located in one of Germany's largest industrial regions in Baden-Wuerttemberg. We deliver german-wide Highspeed DSL, 64K ISDN Dialup and leased line Internet access. We also specialize in domain services, webserver hosting and housing, System integration services, network management, security and VPN solutions, virus and spam checking, screen design and programming as well as consulting and training."
 id = "macomnet"
 name = "MAcomnet telecommunications company, Moscow, Russia"
 url = "http://www.macomnet.com/"
 description = "CJSC MAcomnet is one of the biggest Moscow telecommunication companies founded in 1991 by the Moscow Metropoliten and Andrew Corporation (USA). Numerous customers do justice to MAcomnet service high quality and level, among them are large communications operators, Internet providers, telephone companies, banks, hotels, exhibition centers, embassies, well known trading companies, government organizations, institutions, industrial enterprises, scientific-research institutes, mass media. A lot of MAcomnet ISP servers are FreeBSD based. MAcomnet hosts cvsup4.ru.FreeBSD.org and cvsup5.ru.FreeBSD.org cvsup mirrors."
 id = "hostpoint"
 name = "Hostpoint AG"
 url = "http://www.hostpoint.ch/"
 description = "With 55,000 customers and 100,000 domain names (status quo December 2007), Hostpoint is Switzerland's leading hosting provider. Hostpoint offers website and application hosting services throughout Switzerland."
 id = "gigenet"
 name = "GigeNET"
 url = "https://www.gigenet.com/"
 description = "GigeNET provides dedicated servers, cloud servers, colocation, and DDOS protection services. We fully support FreeBSD on all our products as of now. We have integrated FreeBSD 9 in to our Cloud Server product as well."
 id = "globotech"
 name = "GloboTech Communications"
 url = "https://www.globo.tech/"
 description = "GloboTech offers world class hosting services and uncompromising support. Their services include Dedicated Servers, Public Cloud and Private Cloud with Fundamental Management and a 100% Power and Network Uptime. Their all-SSD public cloud includes a set of one-click app for faster deployment, less than 90 seconds and a comprehensive and easy-to-use cloud portal."
 id = "keyway"
 name = "Keyway Internet Services"
 url = "http://www.keyway.net/"
 description = "Keyway Internet Services has provided premium business and residential solutions since 1995. Nationwide services include business-class hosting and dialup access. Southern California services include T1, Fiber, DSL, and Wireless. We feature our own colocation facility in Ontario, CA, and are proud to feature FreeBSD as a recommended platform. All clients receive live no-hold support, and T1/Colocation clients receive 24/7/365 support."
 id = "colocationamerica"
 name = "Colocation America"
 url = "http://www.colocationamerica.com/"
 description = "Colocation America provides colocation, dedicated server and VoIP hosting services with 22 data centers located across the United States. Our data centers are PCI, SAS 70, SSAE 16 and HIPAA compliant with security and support staff working 24/7 to support our 100% uptime guarantee. Customers can enjoy our FreeBSD web, mail, DNS and database servers dedicated servers that are hosted in a secure environment supported by certified data center technicians."
 id = "asergo"
 name = "Asergo"
 url = "https://asergo.com"
 description = "EasySpeedy provides dedicated servers with colocation benefits, and a flexible self-service environment. We're dedicated to bringing our customers a wide range of automatically installed Linux and BSD-systems, all available at the click of a button."
 id = "eserver"
 name = "eServer.ru"
 url = "https://www.eserver.ru/"
 description = "We provide high quality web-hosting and VIP-hosting services in Russia and CIS based only on FreeBSD systems customized for hosting needs, dedicated servers with support of all currently available FreeBSD distributions."
 id = "Quonix"
 name = "Quonix Networks"
 url = "http://www.quonix.net/"
 description = "Quonix Networks provides a variety of personal and enterprise hosting solutions powered by FreeBSD, including web, mail, secure shell hosting, dedicated servers and colocation."
 id = "peaknetworks"
 name = "peaknetworks"
 url = "https://www.peaknetworks.net"
 description = "peaknetworks, located in the Heart of the Alps in Austria, is a web hosting and domain name registration company. Our clients range from private bloggers to business customers. We use FreeBSD for its proven scalability and performance. For more information, please check our website or contact us via e-mail."
 id = "polarhome"
 name = "polarhome.com"
 url = "http://www.polarhome.com/"
 description = "polarhome.com is a non commercial, educational effort for popularization of shell enabled operating systems and internet services, offering shell accounts, development environment, mail and other online services on all available systems (currently on different flavours of Linux, OpenVMS, Solaris, OpenIndiana, AIX, QNX, IRIX, HP-UX, Tru64, SCO OpenServer, UnixWare, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFly/BSD, MirBSD, Ultrix, Minix, GNU Hurd and OPENSTEP)."
 id = "IntegrityHost"
 name = "Integrity Host"
 url = "http://www.integrityhost.com"
 description = "Integrity Host provides shared hosting, VPS (Virtual Private Servers), and fully managed dedicated servers that run on multiple versions of FreeBSD. cPanel and Fantastico are available and bandwidth allocation is generous."
 id = "Venigo"
 name = "Venigo Internet Services"
 url = "http://www.venigo.fr/"
 description = "Venigo Internet Services is a French based company, which provides hosting solutions like shared, dedicated, colocation hostings, and VPN solutions based on FreeBSD. Venigo Internet Services is also able to provide management and support for variety of BSD & Linux systems."
 id = "SolutionPoint"
 name = "Solution Point"
 url = "http://www.solutionpoint.in/"
 description = "Based in New Delhi, India, Solution Point provides <a href=\"http://www.solutionpoint.in/node/565\">VPS Hosting      on FreeBSD/amd64</a>. We use only official FreeBSD and provide various capacities to serve most demanding requirements of full dedicated servers."
 id = "netcup"
 name = "netcup GmbH"
 url = "http://www.netcup.de/"
 description = "Netcup is a hosting provider located in Germany and we are specialized in providing webhosting and virtual servers. At the beginning of 2013 we changed our virtualisation technology to KVM. This gives you the possibility to run the operating system of your choice. You can easily setup your vServer with just a few clicks by using our prepared FreeBSD image."
 id = "NQhost"
 name = "NQhost"
 url = "http://nqhost.com/"
 description = "NQhost offers virtual private servers with guaranteed resources. Our <a href=\"http://nqhost.com/freebsd-vps.html\">FreeBSD VPS</a> packages can be created in Germany or US-located data centers. We offer flexible tariff plans, configurations and friendly support."
 id = "NYI"
 name = "NYI"
 url = "http://www.nyi.net/"
 description = "Established in 1996, NYI is headquartered in the heart of the Wall Street area, with facilities in both Lower Manhattan and Bridgewater, New Jersey. The company's core services include colocation and dedicated servers, cloud computing and managed services, disaster recovery and business continuity planning. NYI provides mission-critical data solutions for a broad range of industries, including media, financial services, healthcare, law, fashion, architecture, life sciences and real estate. NYI is SSAE 16-, PCI and HIPPA-compliant. For more information please visit our <a href=\"http://www.nyi.net\">website</a>."
 id = "HostingFreak"
 name = "HostingFreak.net, Inc."
 url = "http://www.hostingfreak.net/"
 description = "HostingFreak is a company providing hosting services for everyone's needs. Whether it might be a high content, or a private website, we are dedicated to a high level of reliability and performance. Our company offers hosting services ranging from web-site hosting to self-managed dedicated servers."
 id = "berklix"
 name = "Berklix.Com"
 url = "http://berklix.com/"
 description = "English company in Munich, Germany. Bilingual consultancy & hosting. Virtual & physical domain hosting on diverse servers, and customer's own local & ISP hosted servers."
 id = "M5Hosting"
 name = "M5 Hosting"
 url = "http://www.m5hosting.com/"
 description = "We provide <a href=\"http://www.m5hosting.com/freebsd-dedicated-server.php\"> FreeBSD Dedicated Servers</a> as well as other dedicated servers with Unix-like operating systems. All servers are customized to your specifications, including: disk partitions, OS version, package installation, number of IP Addresses, and more. Our network emphasizes quality bandwidth rather than quantity. We host the <a href=\"http://www.sdbug.org/\"> San Diego BSD Users Group</a> mailing list and web site."
 id = "bytecamp"
 name = "bytecamp GmbH"
 url = "http://www.bytecamp.net/"
 description = "We run a homogenic FreeBSD environment in our own datacenter located in East Germany near Berlin since 2000. Our developers contribute code to many open source projects. bytecamp is the home for <a href=\"http://www.desktopbsd.net/\">desktopbsd.net</a> and both biggest German BSD communities, <a href=\"http://www.bsdforen.de/\">bsdforen.de</a> and <a href=\"http://www.bsdgroup.de/\">bsdgroup.de</a>. bytecamp offers professional hosting on a FreeBSD cluster, enterprise email solutions, domain name registration, dedicated and virtual servers. We offer several shared, reseller and shell hosting plans on FreeBSD platform that will meet and exceed all of your web presence needs from small personal family web sites to full blown online e-commerce solutions."
 id = "oph"
 name = "OPH"
 url = "http://www.oph.net/"
 description = "OPH is a internet hosting provider located in Amsterdam. We deliver powerful FreeBSD dedicated servers and custom-built servers to meet your requirements. On the network side, all our servers include full 100Mbps / 1Gbps connections to the Internet. For more information, please check our <a href=\"http://www.oph.net\">website</a>, or call us at +31 527 688768."
 id = "ovh"
 name = "OVH"
 url = "http://www.ovh.com/"
 description = "With many own datacenters on 4 continents and extensive offers for even the most demanding infrastructure needs, OVH is the number 3 internet hosting company in the world and a globally leading cloud provider on the market. Among almost 100 other Unix/Linux distributions, OVH is proud to provide the latest FreeBSD versions for dedicated and virtual servers since FreeBSD 4."
 id = "transip"
 name = "TransIP"
 url = "http://www.transip.nl"
 description = "Transip B.V. is a top 5 domain registrar in the Netherlands. TransIP uses FreeBSD exclusively on its own servers and offers virtual hosting and dedicated servers based on FreeBSD."
 id = "kionic"
 name = "Kionic.com Web Hosting"
 url = "http://www.kionic.com"
 description = "We provide fast, reliable, and affordable web hosting and reseller hosting services backed by fast and friendly customer service. Our operating system of choice is FreeBSD."
 id = "JohnCompanies"
 name = "JohnCompanies"
 url = "http://www.johncompanies.com"
 description = "JohnCompanies Collocation is a specialist in both dedicated and virtual FreeBSD servers. Unlimited technical support comes directly from FreeBSD engineers with no complicated ticket system, impersonal auto responders and no first level techs reading from cue-cards. Servers are housed in a state of the art, secure hosting facility with multi-homed tier 1 backbone connections."
 id = "fastpcnet"
 name = "Fast PC Networks"
 url = "http://www.fastpcnet.net"
 description = "We offer colocation and managed services via our data center facilities. We recommend FreeBSD to our colocation customers who want a stable and flexible platform. We provide a pure colocation environment or dedicated managed hosting."
 id = "pairnetworks"
 name = "pair Networks, Inc."
 url = "http://www.pair.com"
 description = "pair Networks, a global FreeBSD-based Web hosting and domain name registration company, headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, hosts hundreds of thousands of Web sites for businesses, bloggers, artists, educational institutions and non-profit organizations from around the world. pair Networks first went online in January 1996 and has experienced strong growth year after year. All pair Networks' Web servers run the reliable FreeBSD operating system. For more information <a href=\"http://www.pair.com/contact/\">contact us</a> via e-mail or phone."
 id = "hamburgnet"
 name = "Hamburgnet"
 url = "http://www.hamburgnet.de"
 description = "Hamburgnet provides you with experience in FreeBSD and OpenBSD based projects. From low-end webservers to high-end firewall and database clusters. Storage, server, Unix, cluster & consulting. You can visit our <a href=\"http://www.hamburgnet.de\">website</a>, <a href=\"mailto:info@hamburgnet.de\">mail us</a>, phone us at +49 (40) 73672322 or contact us via fax at +49 (40) 73672321."
 id = "swishmail"
 name = "Swishmail"
 url = "http://www.swishmail.com/"
 description = "Swishmail, New York City based company, provides business <a href=\"http://www.swishmail.com/emailhosting1.php\">email      hosting</a> with virus/spam-scanning running on FreeBSD amd64 on HP AMD Dual Opteron 64 bit servers since 1999. Swishmail is in the business of <a href=\"http://www.swishmail.com/emailhosting1.php\">email      hosting</a>, shell providing, <a href=\"http://www.swishmail.com/webhosting1.php\">web hosting</a>, dedicated servers, and email accounting."
 id = "reliableservers"
 name = "ReliableServers"
 url = "http://www.reliableservers.com/"
 description = "ReliableServers provides managed and unmanaged dedicated server hosting and colocation. FreeBSD is our #1 installed OS, we even provide a local cvsup for all clients. Our datacenter is staffed around the clock to provide the best possible support. Visit us at <a href=\"http://www.reliableservers.com/\">www.ReliableServers.Com</a>"
 id = "colocrossing"
 name = "Colocrossing"
 url = "http://www.colocrossing.com"
 description = "Colocrossing provides FreeBSD powered colocation services in 6 locations in the US. From managed hosting to colocation, we are here for you."
 id = "netactuate"
 name = "NetActuate"
 url = "https://www.netactuate.com/"
 description = "NetActuate is a hosting company specializing in virtual FreeBSD hosting and managed services. The FreeBSD Virtual Private Servers allow users to modify the kernel, setup a firewall and many more options. Each VPS includes root access and a web-based control panel for managing the virtual environment. Technical support is handled in-house by FreeBSD experts who can diagnose problems and help you get up and running quickly. NetActuate has donated services to FreeBSD developers to support the community."
 id = "SimpleRezo"
 name = "SimpleRezo"
 url = "http://www.simplerezo.com"
 description = "SimpleRezo, a French company, provides web hosting solutions based exclusively on FreeBSD and technologies (jails or dedicated server, Apache, PHP, Tomcat, MySQL, pgSQL...). Other services include: Network architecture consulting (fail-over, high availability), FreeBSD server administration or support (fileserver, firewalls, mailserver) and others more. Please visit our <a href=\"http://www.simplerezo.com/nous-contacter.php\">website</a> to get more information."
 id = "webdrops"
 name = "Webdrops ICT"
 url = "http://www.webdrops.net"
 description = "FreeBSD hosting based in Italy since 2004. We provide hosting on shared boxes, dedicated servers, co-location, gTLD and worldwide ccTLD registration and every DC service you may ask for. We have rack space available in Milan IT, Dallas US and Amsterdam NL; We can provide simple or complex network infrastructure and supply Brand or custom hardware and network equipments."
 id = "tarsnap"
 name = "Tarsnap"
 url = "http://www.tarsnap.com/"
 description = "Tarsnap is a secure online backup service for FreeBSD and other unix-like operating systems. Tarsnap is owned and operated by FreeBSD developer <a href=\"mailto:cperciva@FreeBSD.org\">Colin Percival</a> and is proud to support FreeBSD via donations to the FreeBSD Foundation."
 id = "host1"
 name = "Host1"
 url = "https://host1.no/"
 description = "Host1.no has been providing hosting, domains and servers from Norway since 2009. We offer FreeBSD virtual servers and dedicated servers. We also offer FreeBSD on VMs in our Elastic Cloud. All our servers come with native IPv6."
 id = "atlantic"
 name = "Atlantic.net"
 url = "https://www.atlantic.net/"
 description = "Atlantic.net is a leader in cloud hosting, dedicated servers, virtualization hosting services, and FreeBSD hosting. Users can deploy a FreeBSD instance in seconds and run any number of instances."
 id = "vultr"
 name = "Vultr.com"
 url = "https://www.vultr.com/"
 description = "A cloud services provider based on 100% SSD Hardware with 14 Optimized locations worldwide. Vultr also has many tutorials on how to setup various services on your VPS."
 id = "arpnetworks"
 name = "ARP Networks"
 url = "http://www.arpnetworks.com"
 description = "We are a data center services provider offering VPS, dedicated servers, private cloud, colocation, and IP transit. FreeBSD has been supported on all our offerings since 2008, as well as OpenBSD."
 id = "delimiter"
 name = "Delimiter"
 url = "https://www.delimiter.com/"
 description = "Delimiter provides unmanaged, affordable dedicated servers, and cloud hosting from our US based data centers. Our unmanaged service includes a wide range of self-serve tools including automated OS installations and dedicated KVM functionality. We also offer cheap bare metal dedicated servers. Our support technicians have 5+ years of Unix, BSD, and Linux sysadmin experience."
 id = "linevast"
 name = "Linevast"
 url = "https://linevast.de/"
 description = "Linevast has been providing reliable dedicated-server and vps products since 2013. The provider offers various FreeBSD templates for their server-products. Each product comes with free ddos-protection and unmetered traffic."
 id = "surelinebroadband"
 name = "Sureline Broadband"
 url = "http://www.surelinebroadband.com"
 description = "Sureline Broadband provides Carrier class internet services in Oregon. We also provide Consulting Services World Wide for Networking and FreeBSD and we provide Cloud Services, including FreeBSD systems."
 id = "hostcolor"
 name = "Host Color"
 url = "https://www.hostcolor.com"
 description = "Host Color (HC) provides High Performance Web Hosting and Cloud services with Freebsd Ceph based storage area network. Accounts and Cloud servers also feature High Availability and Automated Fault-Tolerance."
 id = "routerhosting"
 name = "RouterHosting"
 url = "https://www.routerhosting.com"
 description = "RouterHosting, provides NVMe SSD cloud VPS servers in many locations around the globe. RouterHosting is established since 2008 and one of our main Operating Systems is FreeBSD."
 id = "elmotaheda"
 name = "El Motaheda"
 url = "https://www.elmotaheda-web.com"
 description = "El Motaheda are specialized in providing local (Egypt) solutions for businesses and organizations totally centered on open source. We provide based firewalls and storage solutions."
 id = "vstack"
 name = "vStack"
 url = "https://vstack.com"
 description = "vStack builds hyper-converged infrastructure providing unified cluster space, software defined computing, storage and networking capabilities, redundancy and failover features."
 id = "serveria"
 name = "Serveria"
 url = "https://serveria.com/"
 description = "Serveria offers shared hosting, cloud VPS, dedicated servers, colocation, domain registration, SSL certificates etc. All of their services are 100% confidential. They support and offer services since 2009."
 id = "bestbuyrdp"
 name = "Bestbuyrdp"
 url = "https://bestbuyrdp.com/"
 description = "Bestbuyrdp was eastablished in 2015 and offers virtual private servers (Droplets) from Five data centers around the world. Droplets range in size and price, supporting hourly or monthly billing with snapshot functionality. All Droplets are created on SSD drives for ideal performance. support was added in the fourth quarter of 2015."
 id = "virtuacloud"
 name = "Virtua.Cloud"
 url = "https://www.virtua.cloud/cloud-servers/systems/freebsd"
 description = "Virtua.Cloud is a cloud hosting company, providing affordable FreeBSD, Linux VPS and Windows VPS in Europe with instant setup and hourly billing."